Food For Thought Caterers Booking Terms and Conditions
This agreement shall come into force upon the signing of the form that contains the Term and Conditions as set below.
All prices are subject to fiscal and other increases which are outside the control of Food For Thought Caterers
Food For Thought Caterers do not supply ovens, but these can be supplied at MP.We would require sole use of the kitchen facilities approximately two hours before the food service is required and one and a half hours after service to facilitate clearing up and cleaning down.
Tables and chairs should be put in to position to coincide with your table plan.
Please note our menu prices do not include the decorating of the clients venue
Journeys over 30 miles round trip will carry an additional charge of £1.00 per mile
Functions on Bank Holidays will carry an additional charge of £12.00 per hour for service staff supplied
Final numbers of guests are required 10 days prior to the function date, these are the numbers for which the client will be charged & cancellations or number reductions are not accepted after this time.
- Cancellations must be made in writing and will not be valid until a confirmation from Food For Thought is received.
- Cancellations made before the function are chargeable as a percentage of the total order value as follows:
- Up to 4 days beforehand 100%
- 5 - 14 days 50%
- 15-30 days 25%
- Over 30 days loss of deposit only
Food For Thought Caterers may cancel the booking:
- If the client becomes insolvent, bankrupt, has a receiver appointed or enters into a liquidation bankruptcy, administration or receiving or compounds with it's creditors.
- If the client is in arrears of any payment due however arising to Food For Thought or has failed to pay a deposit within 7 days of the date required to do so, or failed to make the final payment under the terms of this agreement.
- On giving notice to the customer if it is prevented or hindered from carrying out it's obligations here on in, by circumstances beyond it's own control including, without limitation,strikes, labour disputes whether or not involving the employees of Food For Thought Caterers, suspension of supplies, government or quasi- governmental accidents, acts of god or national or local disasters.
Late sit down or extended or interrupted service other than is stated at time of booking will carry an additional charge of £12 .00 per hour or parts thereof for every member of service staff present.
Minimum £100.00 non-refundable deposit deemed to be taken against the total invoice at the time of booking.
All equipment breakages and loss by the client will be charged at 100% replacement cost.
Payment: Balance is due strictly 14 working days prior to the event date. Failure to do so may result in penalty charges. Your final payment can be made in the form of cash,cheque or online bank transfer. Please note that full payment must reach our bank account by no later than the 14th day prior to the event.
Health and Safety: Food For Thought Caterers have a statutory 'risk assesment' policy in force (HACCP) which sets out our food preparation, delivery and service procedures. This policy restricts the service of foodstuffs to a maximum of 4 hours after being removed from refrigeration. Not withstanding this it is our recommendation that all high risk foods:meat,fish,eggs,dairy produce etc to be consumed within 3 hours of service particularly during summertime and periods of hot weather.
This agreement shall be governed by English Law and subject to the sole jurisdiction of English courts.